If you are a middle/high school student or adult who has strong subject matter/content expertise in any of the tutoring subjects listed under our services, we would love for you to join our tutoring team!
Can't commit to physically meeting 1:1 with children? That's okay! We can bring the children into the Foundation office and set up a video tutoring session! We supply the video platform, so there will be no need for you to purchase Zoom or other video platform subscriptions.
Please call or message us if you would like to help a child to excel in school while also helping yourself through building relationships with families in our community.
100 Cameras
Professional and amateur photographers who would like to help teach children the basics of photography are needed. This project is centered around teaching children who have experienced significant trauma in their lives how to capture their emotions through their photography, not violence, drugs, or other harmful behavior.
If you would like to read more about the 100 Cameras organization, we have provided a link to their organization in our Youth Resources.
If you would like to become a 100 Cameras volunteer, please give us a call or message us today!
Community Event Organizers
Do you like organizing parties and events? Do you enjoy bringing people together to speak with one voice in supporting a cause? Is your passion spreading the word about community events? Do you know about community events/programs that could benefit from our Foundation's help or expertise?
We need you! Call or message us today!
Clerical/Office Help
We would love to have you join us as an office volunteer! We have opportunities to read books to children, help set up CPR and art classes, and answer the phone.
We would also love to have anyone who has an interest in designing flyers, and brainstorming with us ways to help even more people.